Update 1: Project – Street Library

I recently shared with you my interest in creating a Little Street Library in my local neighbourhood.



A) They can enhance community spirit and
B) Encourage a love of books.

If you are at all interested please refer to: https://streetlibrary.org

Where am I up to with this project?

As my residence is in a cul de sac with limited passing traffic, both vehicular and foot, getting a Street Library off the ground becomes a little more complicated. There is a park only streets away on the main thoroughfare through the suburb which is the focal point for the local community – walkers, joggers, mums with prams, families – which makes for a far better position.

Of course, this is why it all becomes so much more complicated. If it were my property it would be just a matter of building and fixing in an appropriate area. Bit like all the possums I have in the back garden.

Council Property makes the proposition a whole lot trickier, so of course my first task was to make contact, putting my suggestion to the Councillor that manages my electorate. The Councillor’s reply was prompt and receptive and she wants to drop in for a chat to hear my ideas.

Essentially, this week I’ve been ideas gathering as well as shining the tea pot for her visit.

Council Funding is always a dicey one, right? So what about we get the local Men’s Shed on board to do the build?
A)This saves the Council money
B)Provides a valuable task for the fellas that volunteer at the local Men’s Shed.

Not heard of the Men’s Shed Movement before? Very big here in Australia, and to be honest, the saviour of many marriages when a bloke retires and finds he has too much time on his hands. They are a venue for lots of Secret Men’s Business, as well as projects such as building toys for disadvantaged kiddies, restoration of equipment for museums, and other worthwhile projects. They’ve also been known to cook a decent snag on the BBQ at fundraising events and create a bond and comerarderie. Refer http://www.menshed.org

My work colleagues are all book hounds, so the initial supply of reading material to house is no problem, and more importantly, at NO COST to the Council. I may have to filter some of the popular New Age and Alternative books but that’s okay. A few pre loved children’s books from the local Charity Shop is a minimal expense, and I enjoy an excuse to browse in case there are any Errol Flynn biographies not yet setting on my bookcase.


My last concern, and the biggest, is the need to canvas the thoughts of the residents that live adjacent to the parkland in question. Do I or don’t I? Personally, I think as a matter of courtesy it would be the right thing to do. It may even enhance “ownership” of the facility by neighbouring properties.

Any thoughts on this would be most appreciated – thank you.

Off to bake some Anzac Biscuits. The way to a Councillor’s heart is via their stomach, or something like that………


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